Happy Fall Everyone! Chicago is having the most gorgeous weather right now and it is making me so happy. I am trying to savor every moment because I know it will probably start snowing before I know it. Early Fall is the busy season for foodie events in Chicago. The incredible Chicago Gourmet was last weekend, and this weekend brings the Taste Talks.
On Tuesday I attended a cheese tasting event hosted by Parmigiano Reggiano at Eataly. It was a fabulous evening celebrating one of my favorite cheeses at one of my favorite places in Chicago. Wine and cheese is the perfect pre-dinner snack, and at this event we learned how to taste cheese. The sensory tasting experience involved smelling, feeling, and tasting Parmigiano Reggiano of various ages and examining the differences. The younger 14 month aged cheeses were softer and milder, while the older 36 month aged cheeses were firmer and stronger in taste with nutty flavor notes. The cheese was served with three different types of Lambrusco, which is an Italian red sparkling wine and my current go to drink.
We attended a fun wedding at River Roast in Chicago's Loop. River Roast is right in the Loop along the Chicago River and it has great views of the city. We like to take (sometimes blurry) cab selfies on the way to events.
My friend Margaret and I tried Pizza East at the Soho House and we loved their Spritzed & Bittered cocktail. It is a slightly sweet, slightly sour, bubbly grapefruit cocktail with a hint of bitterness. It is great for a warm Indian summer day.
One day I walked a mile each way to try the Doughnut Vault's Salted Caramel Doughnut. Considering the fact it was one of the best doughnuts ever, this was time well spent. The Salted Caramel was a special that day. I also bought a Triple Chocolate doughnut which pairs well with a tall glass of milk. The Doughnut Vault Van as moved their Sunday spot from Old Town to Oz Park, it is a bummer since it is further from my home.
The Windy City Blogger Collective hosted its monthly event with our friends Lakeshore Beverage. We spent the night mingling and learning to taste beer. The highlight of the evening was the Brooklyn Lager Chocolate Stout float. photo via Mag Mile Runner
The W Hotels have launched a music series and I attended the kick off concert featuring local indie rockers Empires, whose new album is really great. While at the concert we discovered that the W's bar serves a cocktail called Bridge Into The City which tastes like a creamsicle. They also serve incredible polenta fries.
Yesterday I went to a wonderful event hosted by Gilt to celebrate the launch of Gilt's Fall 2014 Shoe Collection at Zazazoo Nail Salon in Wicker Park. I was treated to a manicure- I finally switched over to a darker fall nail color. At the event I also got to select a pair of shoes as a gift from Gilt. I picked a great pair of boots, pictured above. The gift bag included the most addictive frosting covered pretzel bites. I need to know where these came from. You can shop the shoe collection here.
Plus, I hosted Blogging & Brunching, had the best experience with Kitchensurfing, and I tried IPO and BoHo for the first time.
And, Latino Fashion Week kicked off on Wednesday night and continues through Sunday. Click here for more info.
I hope that you had a great September too! This weekend I am going to my last wedding of the year, and going to the Taste Talks All-Star BBQ. Anyone else going to the BBQ?
Nancy Sevilla
Monday 6th of October 2014
Yumm! Those donuts look delish! I have always wanted to try that place!!
Hollie @ Fancykins
Friday 3rd of October 2014
Holy cats, you're a busy gal! How on earth do you keep up with it all?! Send some of that energy my way, please.
Jess Zimlich
Friday 3rd of October 2014
You had me at cheese tasting. Sounds like your September was great! The Gilt event sounds like it was a really good time. Chocolate covered pretzels are one of my favorites ;)