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Fried Ravioli

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Fried Ravioli Recipe

As I mentioned the other day, Giovanni Rana Pasta recently sent me a very generous amount of samples, and I have been eating my way through them. Rana sent me a large bag of mini cheese ravioli, and I decided to make Fried Ravioli and serve them as an appetizer at Sunday Night Dinner. Fried Ravioli have all the elements of a crowd pleasing appetizer: they involve cheese, they are fried, and they are crunchy.

This is less a recipe, and more instructions that can easily be adjusted to make any amount of fried ravioli bites.

Serves: 6-8
Total Time: 30 minutes

You will need:
1 lb Mini Cheese Ravioli (such as Giovanni Rana)
2 Eggs
1 cup Italian Seasoned Bread Crumbs
3 tablespoons Olive Oil
Marinara Sauce (such as Giovanni Rana)

Step 1:
Beat the egg in a bowl. Pour the breadcrumbs into another bowl. Dunk the ravioli in the egg, and then coat with the breadcrumbs. Press the breadcrumbs into the ravioli a bit so they stick.

Step 2:
Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Pour enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a skillet. Once the oil is hot, add the breaded ravioli to the skillet in one single spaced out layer. Flip the ravioli after the first side has browned, this will take about 3 minutes. Cook until the second side browns. Repeat, adding more olive oil in the pan, until all of the ravioli have been toasted. Place the toasted ravioli in an oven heated to 250 degrees to keep warm as you continue to toast more ravioli.

Step 3:
Serve with warm marinara sauce.

Fried Ravioli

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