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Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

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I love brussels sprouts and I think you do too, since my most popular post was for roasted brussels sprouts. Last Saturday I bought a giant stalk of brussels sprouts from Trader Joes, so I have eaten them a few times this week. Sauteing sprouts in a generous amount of salt in butter is absolutely delicious, but not the most healthy way to go. I have been experimenting with ways to cook brussels sprouts with less butter. Often I add white wine when sautéing vegetables to cut the amount of butter and/or olive oil used. However, I am out of white wine, so I have used my other trick, chicken (or vegetable) broth. These brussels sprouts were sautéed in a little butter and a good amount of chicken broth. The result was (almost) as good as brussels sprouts slathered in butter.

You will need:

Brussels Sprouts
1 tablespoon Butter
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
1/4 cup Chicken Broth

Step 1:

Cut the end off the brussel sprout and cut in half. Remove any browned leaves from the outside.  For the record, my husband and I determined that 16 brussels sprouts are the perfect amount for 2 people.

Step 2:

Melt the butter in a skillet heated over medium heat. Add the brussels sprouts inside facing down. Pour in enough chicken broth to coat the pan.

Step 3:

Saute until the brussels sprouts are golden brown. Add more chicken broth to the pan as necessary. Once the inside of the brussels sprouts are browned, flip over and drizzle a little olive oil in the pan. Salt generously. Cook until the outside has browned.

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