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Melon Salad with Crispy Prosciutto and Feta

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Melon Salad-3

I am a big fan of prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe and honeydew, but assembling it on skewers to serve at a party can be a little tedious. Using the same basic ingredients, I took things in a different direction. Instead of assembling skewers, I balled up cantaloupe and honeydew, and added feta, crispy prosciutto, basil, and lime juice to create a melon salad. The feta cheese is the perfect compliment to the melon and prosciutto – it’s sweet and salty. The crispy prosciutto adds a fun textural element, and the lime juice serves as a light dressing, and the basil was a last minute idea that really tied everything together. I realize that this recipe might sound a little out there, but my husband went back for seconds, so I am not the only one who thinks that this unconventional salad works.

Melon Salad

Many grocery stores sell cubed melon which would be a timesaver, although using a melon baller didn’t take that much time. Crisping up the prosciutto is the step that takes the most time, but even that only requires 15 minutes, and you can prepare and assemble all of the other ingredients during that time.

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This salad can be made a day ahead of time, but I would recommend adding the prosciutto at the last minute, since if it sits in the salad the juices from the melon will make it soft again.

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The proportions aren’t too crucial here, and you can opt to use only cantaloupe or honeydew, but I thought that color combination was pretty.

Melon Salad with Crispy Prosciutto and Feta

Yields 4

10 minPrep Time

15 minCook Time

25 minTotal Time

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  • 3 slices of Prosciutto
  • 1/2 of a Honeydew
  • 1/2 of a Cantaloupe
  • 1/4 cup Feta Cheese
  • 5 Basil Leaves
  • Juice from 1/2 of a Lime


  1. Arrange the slices of prosciutto in a single layer on a baking sheet. Place in an oven heated to 350 degrees and bake for 12-15 minutes, until firm. Then remove from the oven the let cool.
  2. While the prosciutto is in the oven, use a melon baller to create balls of honeydew and cantaloupe. If you don't have a melon baller, cut the melon into 1/2 inch cubes. Place in a serving bowl.
  3. Finely chop the basil, and pour the basil and feta over the melon. Add the lime juice, and toss the ingredients to combine.
  4. Lastly, crumble the prosciutto over the top and serve.

Helen at the Lazy Gastronome

Saturday 23rd of July 2016

That whole meal just looks like summer! Thanks for sharing on the What's for Dinner link up!

Kit Graham

Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

It's so summery! We have to make every moment of summer count in Chicago!

Colleen Delawder

Thursday 21st of July 2016

This looks absolutely delightful!

Kit Graham

Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

Thanks! I love the colors!

Jessy @ The Life Jolie

Wednesday 20th of July 2016

What a delicious salad- I love this flavor combo and the idea of crispy prosciutto sounds fantastic!

Kit Graham

Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

Thanks Jessy! I think it is a really satisfying flavor combo.

Rachel Osborn

Wednesday 20th of July 2016

A friend made a similar dish to this, but unfortunately I didn't get to try it! Thanks for sharing your recipe at the Family Joy Linkup! Hope to see you again next Sunday!

Kit Graham

Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

It's so easy to make at home. Definitely take the time to crisp the prosciutto, it makes this dish.

Michelle @ O Blog Off

Tuesday 19th of July 2016

Looks tasty! ❤️ Prochuto and melon! Yum! Michelle

Kit Graham

Wednesday 3rd of August 2016

Anything with prosciutto!!!!

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