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The other day my husband, Charles, came home with two large bags of groceries.  Usually I do all of the grocery shopping and cooking so this was a surprise.  Charles and I had already discussed hosting an Olympic themed Sunday Night Dinner where all of our friends would bring food from different countries.  Charles said that he wanted to make Taramosalata and Tzatziki, which are both Greek dips.  He had purchased all of the ingredients to make these dishes twice, because he wanted to do a practice run before Sunday.

Charles doesn't have much experience in the kitchen, but he has lots of enthusiasm to make up for it.  So I gave Charles a cooking lesson.  He learned about the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, and in the end, the Taramosalata turned out great.  This is a pretty simple recipe that can be made in the blender.  We served it with Pita Bread that we brushed with Olive Oil, toasted in the oven, and cut into bite sized triangles.

You will need:
8 slices of day old bread
4 tablespoons Carp Roe Caviar
2 tablespoons White Onion
¾ cup Olive Oil
5 tablespoons Lemon Juice

Step 1:
Cut the crusts off the bread.  Then soak it in water.  Squeeze out the bread and then let it sit in a colander while you prepare the other ingredients.

Step 2:
Add the caviar and 0nion to a food processor and blender.  Then slowly add the bread.

Step 3:
With the food processor or blender on a low setting, slowly add the 0live 0il.

Step 4:
Add the lemon juice and mix until combined, and the taramosalata is smooth and creamy.