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Kit is on the Steve Harvey Show!

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I have some exciting news! I am making an appearance on a Monday's episode of the Steve Harvey Show! I am on the "Harvey's Law" segment with Judge DiMango from Hot Bench. Both Judge DiMango and Steve Harvey take a shot at answering a legal question about blogging!

Kit is on the Steve Harvey Show!

It was a really fun experience that came about very suddenly. A producer called me on a Sunday and I was on the show that Wednesday. I got the full experience of hair and makeup, a meeting with the wardrobe team, and I even got my own green room.

Kit is on the Steve Harvey Show!

The day before the taping, the producers called me and asked if I would bring food with me. I always joke that I will say yes to anything (this is how I end up doing things like eating fermented shark in Iceland, or crawling through spiders nests in Utah), so I agreed.

Kit is on the Steve Harvey Show!

I knew that we would be talking about my popular quiche recipes on the show, so it seemed fitting to bake quiches. Fortunately, it is a really easy recipe. I made both my Roasted Tomato Mozzarella Quiche and my Asparagus Cheddar Quiche. I ended up making 126 mini quiches for the Steve Harvey Show crew and audience.

Kit is on the Steve Harvey Show!

I brought Ashlee with me (she helps me with WCBC and The Kittchen) and she snapped a couple photos while she watched the taping from the green room. I seriously don't know what I would do without her!

My episode will be aired on Monday at 2pm CT on NBC. You can head over here to find specific information on channels and airtimes.

Meredith Perdue

Monday 13th of March 2017

Kit, this is amazing! I'm so sad I missed this. Do you think you'll post a link to an online viewing if there is one?!

Kit Graham

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Thanks so much Meredith! Here is a link: