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How to Make Crepes

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I am sharing how to make crepes, and just in time for Valentine’s Day. You can add sweet or savory filling to this basic crepe recipe.

How to Make Crepes - the perfect meal for Valentines Day

Is there a food more European than crepes? Snacking on a sweet Nutella filled crepe is always on my to-do list when I am on the other side of the pond. Recently my sister sent me a basic crepe recipe and insisted that I try it myself, promising that they were easier to make than I might think. As always, Kelly was right. This recipe is practically fool-proof, and it tastes just like the crepes that I love in Europe.

How to Make Crepes - the best basic crepe recipe

I thought that it only made sense to share this recipe alongside my post about Paris, and just in time for Valentine’s Day. This would be a fun romantic meal to serve to celebrate the cheesy holiday. I am sharing a pair of crepe recipes, one sweet and one savory. Choose sweet or savory, or serve them together for a dinner and dessert.

Learn how to make crepes with this basic crepe recipe.

The first crepe is a savory crepe made with ham and swiss cheese. If you want, you can serve it with a runny egg on top. I believe that a little runny egg yolk can make most meals even more wonderful. Or, you can add some mustard on the side.

The sweet crepe is made with strawberries and nutella. I sliced the strawberries into hearts to make the meal fit a Valentine’s Day theme. To finish it off I added a dollop of whipped cream.

The basic crepe recipe is incredibly easy to prepare and you probably have all of the necessary ingredients in your home right now. I had thought that the crepes might be difficult to flip, but that wasn’t the case at all. The crepes didn’t tear or break. The trick is just to wait until the first side is slightly browned before flipping.

How to Make Crepes

The basic crepe recipe is incredibly easy to prepare and you probably have all of the necessary ingredients in your home right now. I had thought that the crepes might be difficult to flip, but that wasn't the case at all. The crepes didn't tear or break. The trick is just to wait until the first side is slightly browned before flipping.


  • 1 cup All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • ½ cup Milk I used 1%
  • ½ cup Water
  • ¼ teaspoon Salt
  • 2 tablespoons Melted Butter plus butter to grease the skillet
  • Diced Ham
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Nutella
  • Strawberries
  • Whipped Cream


  1. Pour the flour into a large bowl. Then whisk the flour to get any clumps out. Next, whisk in the eggs. Gradually whisk in the milk and water. Add the butter and salt and whisk until the mixture is smooth.
  2. Heat a skillet over medium heat and add enough butter to grease the skillet. Add just about 1/3 cup of the batter to the hot pan. Tilt the pan to spread the batter out, or use an offset spatula to spread it out.
  3. Cook the crepe for 2-3 minutes, until the first side is very lightly browned. Use a spatula to flip.
  4. Once you flip the crepe, it is time to add the toppings. Either add some swiss cheese and ham, or some nutella and strawberries on half of the crepe. (You only add toppings to half the crepe because you fold it in half and things would get messy if you had toppings on the entire crepe). After 2 minutes, fold the crepe in half (fold is side without toppings over the side with the toppings). Then fold in half or thirds. Serve right away - add some extra toppings if you like. For ham and cheese I like to add some mustard or a sunny side up egg. If it is a nutella and strawberry crepe I add some whipped cream.

Recipe Notes

The first crepe is a savory crepe made with ham and swiss cheese. If you want, you can serve it with a runny egg on top. I believe that a little runny egg yolk can make most meals even more wonderful. Or, you can add some mustard on the side. The sweet crepe is made with strawberries and nutella. I sliced the strawberries into hearts to make the meal fit a Valentine's Day theme. To finish it off I added a dollop of whipped cream.

Want to save this post about How to Make Crepes for later? Here is an image for you to pin:

Learn how to make Crepes! Learn an easy recipe for sweet and savory crepes!

Adapted from Allrecipes.

Recipe Rating

Karren Haller

Friday 16th of February 2018

My daughter makes crepes for company all the time and their always a hit. Thank you for sharing on Friday Features, it is being featured this week and will be Tagged and shared on Instagram, watch for it. It will also be pinned on Pinterest and shared to Facebook.

Now I hope you enjoy the little boost, and stop by again to share. Have a great weekend!


Friday 16th of February 2018

Thanks so much Karen! I love that your daughter makes crepes so often! :)

Sherry Thecharmofhome

Thursday 15th of February 2018

You made these look so good! I will feature this tomorrow at Home Sweet Home!


Thursday 15th of February 2018

Thanks so much Sherry! I really appreciate it!


Wednesday 7th of February 2018

We had some AMAZING crepes in Quebec with hot fudge and caramel sauce.. for breakfast! I just loved them and while my husband has figured out how to make them (really he doesn't ever cook but he can cook these!) and I just can not for the life of me get them to work. Pinning your recipe to try!


Monday 12th of February 2018

I am dying to go to Quebec! And you can't go wrong with hot fudge and caramel! Thanks so much for pinning my recipe!


Tuesday 6th of February 2018

yummmmm! Sounds amazing!

I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

Helen at the Lazy Gastronome

Monday 5th of February 2018

My husband used to make crepes for breakfast every Sunday when the kids were young. There was always a sweet and a savory filling. Your post made me realize how long it's been since we made crepes - I think I need to do some! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party - and have an awesome week!


Monday 5th of February 2018

I love that family tradition! Yes, you need to make crepes again soon :)

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