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Happy 2014!

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Happy New Year everyone!

I had planned to write a post about my new year’s resolutions for today, and as I started to write it, I realized that I think it is silly to limit yourself to a specific list of goals. I never thought that 2013 would be the year I would find a new job, write and self publish a cookbook, travel to four different countries, become a founder of an underground dinner society, and help to form the Windy City Blogger Collective. I am so thankful for all of these things, but I think that if I wrote all of that down at the beginning of 2013 it would have seemed cocky, and daunting.

Life can’t be planned out, at least I don’t think it can. Instead of making plans, I focus on making the most of every opportunity that comes my way. 2013 was the year that I stopped dreaming about doing things and started tackling projects. Most of these projects were things that I never even dreamed of doing on January 1, 2013.

I decided not to make a list of resolutions for 2014. Instead, I will continue to focus my energy on the things that interest me and make my life so full. The Second City Food Wine + Social Club, and the friendships with my fellow co-founders are wonderful, and something that I never expected to come out of 2013. I can’t wait to see what SCFWSC becomes in 2014. In 2014, I will also be focusing on writing more content for The Kittchen, and contributing to CheekyChicago and Career Girl Network.

The big news for 2014 is the Windy City Blogger Collective. Our website will be launching this month and I am excited to be working with a lovely group of women to plan events for Chicago bloggers and to have an online forum were we can collaborate. The bloggosphere can be a competitive, and sometimes snarky and mean place, but it doesn’t have to be like that. My hope is that Windy City Blogger Collective becomes a community that encourages and inspires bloggers and forges friendships. (Please email me if you would like more information, or if would you like to be added to the email list for events).

Without a doubt, 2014 will be a very busy year with The Second City Food Wine + Social Club, The Windy City Blogger Collective, The Kittchen, and my full-time job at Groupon that I seriously love. I look forward to taking on 2014 and making the most of it, and hopefully it will be the year we add a dog to our family.

I hope that your 2014 is off to a wonderful start!

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