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The Best Thrifting and Toast in Salt Lake City

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Kit Graham - The Kittchen Headshots 2016-18

Salt Lake City is a bustling little city surrounded by mountains with lots to explore. Most of my time in Salt Lake City was spent at Alt Summit where my brain was filled with information and inspiration. Today I am going to tell you about the best little coffee shop, a vintage shopping tour, and I will share a couple highlights from my time at Alt Summit.


One highlight from Alt Summit was a brief meeting with Sarah Michelle who is running a food start up, called Foodstirs, with two of her friends. The company is based around the idea of creating memories in the kitchen with your family, through baking using their organic baking kits that churn out pinterest worthy sweets without the fuss. It’s one of those smart ideas that I wish I had come up with myself.


My favorite part of the conference was the closing keynote given by Elle Luna. She is a painter and the author of The Crossroads of Should and Must. She is one of the best public speakers I have ever heard, and her book will fuel your passions and inspire you to take on the projects you aspire to achieve. The book is full of visuals and illustrations and reading it feels like a journey into your own dreams. I rarely read but I couldn’t put this one down – I read the entire thing on the flight home.

The conference ended on a Friday, but I didn’t fly home until Saturday afternoon. Fortunately, Alt Summit arranged several different tours, and Jill and I joined the Thrifting Tour with Salty Canary which took us to several antique stores and vintage shops.

Hot Chocolate Publik Coffee Roasters

Our first stop was for coffee, since you need some fuel before you can shop. Publik Coffee Roasters is just across from a large antique mall, and they happen to serve the most amazing toast. Yes. Toast.

Maple Toast at Publik Coffee Roasters

I know that sounds random… but trust me, the Maple Toast made with fresh thick-cut toast topped with whipped butter, powdered sugar, and maple syrup was phenomenal.

Publik Coffee Roasters Hot Chocolate

I felt like really indulging so I ordered a hot chocolate, which was topped with a marshmallow that the barista toasted with a blowtorch.

Avocado Toast at Public Coffee Roasters

In addition to the Maple Toast, Publik Coffee Roasters also serves Avocado Toast and Cinnamon Toast, which looked just as amazing as my Maple Toast.

Kit Graham - The Kittchen Headshots 2016-19

The space had the most amazing lighting, so Jill took some new photos for me.

Next we went to Capitol Cities Antique Mall. This place had everything. I was tempted to bring home a gorgeous antique typewriter for $100, but figured it would be too cumbersome to bring it on a plane. Instead, I scored a beautiful vintage mink collar that will dress up a plain coat or a black dress for just $22.

I couldn’t stick with the thrifting tour for long because I needed to head to the airport. In case you are curious, the other spots on the tour were Deseret Industries, Decades, and Bohem, and all are within walking distance from The Grand America Hotel.

Grand America

Although I stayed at my friend’s house, the conference was at The Grand America, a stunning hotel in the center of Salt Lake City. Just look at the gorgeous entryway! I was told that the restaurant is a great place to have afternoon tea, and the many instagrams from conference attendees made it clear that the rooms were lovely and that the marble bathtubs were ideal for soaking.

Kit Graham - The Kittchen Headshots 2016-9

I left Salt Lake City before I could see and do everything that I wanted. Next time I will be sure to follow the recommendations to visit Red Iguana, Eva’s, Squatters, Bruges, and the mall with a creek running through it.

I owe a huge shoutout to Jill for taking new headshots for me and for hosting me in SLC! You rock girl!


Thursday 4th of February 2016

Beautiful city and yummy looking drink and toast :D

Mark Rudd

Wednesday 3rd of February 2016

Love the look of that toast and Salt Lake City looks as pretty as ever.

Sarah Bond

Wednesday 3rd of February 2016

That toast looks HEAVENLY!


Wednesday 3rd of February 2016

Woah woah woah - thick-cut toast topped with whipped butter, powdered sugar, and maple syrup....I am going to go and make that RIGHT NOW!

Renee @ Renee Nicole's Kitchen

Wednesday 3rd of February 2016

That maple toast looks amazing! Like french toast without the clean up!

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