Easy Ricotta Gnocchi in 10 Minutes

I know, it sounds too good to be true, but you can make this easy Ricotta Gnocchi in just 10 minutes.

This ricotta gnocchi is light as a cloud with a mild cheesy flavor. It has that perfect pillowy texture, I just love how this recipe turned out.


– Milk Ricotta – Flour – Pecorino Romano – Sea Salt

In a bowl, stir the ricotta, flour, pecorino romano, and sea salt together.


Pour about a tablespoon of flour onto a work surface. Dust your palms with some flour too.


Scoop about a third of the dough into a roundish shape and plop it in the flour. Roll the outside of the dough in flour, and then roll the dough out into a snake.


Repeat this process rolling out all of the dough and cutting the gnocchi.


Swipe up for full recipe!